Starting with the top picture we have my DS's room he sleeps in a crib and there is my DD's old toddler bed for him when he is older or if a cousin sleeps over. What you don't see is all the clothing stacked on top of his dresser, the toddler bed is loaded with more of his laundry and a few of my old dress's. Second picture down is my DD's room this is "clean" she is terrible at cleaning but considering her role modle I can't be upset with her, she has clothin all over her floor/closet/dresser and toys are all over the floor/bed/closet. Third there is the kitchin which has things stacked all over the counters from dish's to breakfast items that were left out. My smiling DD is actually sick today but I bet you couldn't tell. As for the fourth picture this is the terrible laundry pile that I avoid daily, but that end's today. Last but not least is my side of the closet I have clothing all over the place some of it doesn't even fit me anymore but I just leave it in there also I have items stacked up on the floor as you can see these items are flowing out of the closet.
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