Saturday, February 27, 2010

Super Saturday? Maybe.

So it's been a while since ya'll have heard from me, my house has been sick--countinually. First everyone had this bad cold that turned into upper respiratory infections. Then we all got better, thank GOD, and then we went to a fast food play place to go play and the next day starting with the 2 year old boy we all got the flu. It's been a week everyone but my DH has caught the flu, my DH came to bed last night and said "oh no, I really don't feel good." About 20 minutes later he was in the bathroom loosing his dinner. I feel so bad for him, I can't do anything to help him other then keep the kids from bugging him. There is a ton of stuff I wanted to do today, so I am left frustrated and confused as to if I should bother. GRR!!! Well either way here is my list:

Clip, toss, organize coupons (I have a small laundry basket full-it's needs to be used for laundry)
Meijer Shopping (now I get to take all 3 with me!!)
Clean my Office (I have been avoiding this all month)
Freezer Inventory (I really don't know what's in there anymore, and I need to make room)
Freezer Cooking Plan's (which is why I need to make room) Breakfast's/Chicken/Beef
Blog about my day!!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Saturday, February 20, 2010

My Husband Rocks Friday... a day late!!

My house is full of germs!! We have all had colds/upper respitory infections for two weeks. Well Thursday night my 2 year old DS got the flu!! It is now Saturday morning and we know the 4 year old DD has it and the baby might also have it. Well Friday before my husband went to work knowing I was going to have a rough day taking care of all three kids while one is very sick and needy, he went to the store to get me batteries for the baby's swing. The baby loves his swing he sleeps in it most of the day, without the swing he insists on being held 24/7 and with two other kids that is difficult plus one being sick. My sweet husband knew I was going to have a rough day and he also wasn't feeling good, but wanted to try to make my day a little easier went to the store and god batteries for me so I wouldn't have to suffer a crying baby all day (or drag out all three kids) My husband Rocks for thinking of all the little things to help me!!! He loves me so much, and is a very big help as a husband I am ever so blessed!!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Menu Planning Monday

We had to skip last week because we have all been sick--we are still all sick. However I ended up eating out 3 times in the past week and we can't have that it's not healthy but it's also NOT in the budget.

Monday: Grilled Cheese
Tuesday: PBJ
Wednesday: Mini Pizza's (on bagels with sauce and cheese)
Thursday: Fruit and Cheese
Friday: hot dogs and brocoli
Saturday: leftovers

Monday: Steak, Salad, and sweet potato
Tuesday: Spagehetti Parmesan, bread, and salad
Wednesday: Pizza Roll (from site)
Thursday: Sausage in cresent's with mac and cheese
Friday: soup
Saturday: popcorn chicken and fries

Now I am sure if you read over my menu your thinking, and she was complaining about out to eat not being healthy?? But you know what nothing here is fried, everything is baked. So we still aren't eating the best but for us-for my family this is a vast improvement.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Freezer Cooking!!

I am so excited to say that that I am freezer cooking!! I tried freezer cooking two years ago and it turned out really bad so I gave up on it. Well for several reason's our budget is very tight, stress on the very. Our family normally eats out several times a week, and we just can't afford it anymore. Plus I'm sure you already know from the presvous statement, our health isn't great and sadly that means we are teaching these habbits to our children-which we don't want to do. So I decided I really needed to give freezer cooking another try since I also can't afford to buy a million freezer meals from the store (which is fine cuz they are not healthy either.) Earlier this week I made 3 chicken pot pie's- one was for dinner and the other two are now in the freezer. Tonight I made six pounds of meat into 30 mini meatloaf's, individual portion size's that way they can be taken out and microwaved as needed. Next up I plan to make chicken, I bought 15lb's of chicken yesturday (and still have 5 in the freezer) I am trying to decide what I should make with all this chicken. Share any idea's if you have them. I'll post when I do the chicken and I'll also post as I use the frozen meals to let ya'll know how they turned out.

Friday, February 12, 2010

My Husband Rocks Friday!!

My Husband Rocks Friday is a chance for me to share with the world yet another reason why my husband rocks! We (like most of the US right now) have been buried in snow this past week and all sick also, my lovely husband has not complained about having to go to work in this terrible weather or that he's been sick and miserable like the rest of us. He has even shoveled the drive way numerous times, and cleared off my mini van each morning in case I have to take the kids somewhere (ya know school, doctors, grocery store). And that is why my husband Rocks!!

Friday, February 5, 2010


I am wonderful at setting goals, that being said I am terrible at follow through. Blame it on my A.D.D. (I do!) but I still have a lot of work to do to get myself where I want to be. I pray often for God to help me become a better Christian, wife, and mother: and God has helped me!! I can tell you I am a different person today then I was two years ago when I had my second child. Back then I wouldn't have cared that the laundry was slowly taking over the house, or that the dishes were starting to lean like that big tower in Italy, and when my daughter drew on the table I probably would have left it there for at least a week before bothering with cleaning it up. Well all that tell's you I am a terrible housekeeper- and boy am I just that much "better" at being organized. So I have been putting a few systems in order to get my house in shape.

1) Do the dishes every morning
2) Bring in mail and toss out junk mail immediately
3) Giant dry erase calendar in my kitchen that I keep all info on
4) Menu Planning

I really want/need to get more cleanliness and organization into my home so here are my goals for the day/week/month:
Fold and put away the three baskets of laundry hanging around the house
Wash all towels/bibs/rugs
Fold and put away all towels/bibs/rugs
Fold and put away all socks (giant basket full)

This Week (today til next Friday):
OAMC chicken -pot pie and cheesy rice casserole
Make Valentine projects with Kid's
-Heart crayons
-Flower Bouquet
-Valentine's Cards
Post coupons for trade on AFC along with ISO list

This Month (Feb):
Organize/clean/de-clutter Scrapbook rm/office
Go through all kitchen cupboards and eliminate unused/wanted items
clean out bedroom closet
clip and organize all coupons

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Org Junkie's 28 day Challenge

I am excited to say I am joining in on Org Junkie's 28 day challenge I will be cleaning out my scrapbook room/office. IT is such a mess that at this point there is a small path to the door to my DH's office (my "room" is the large hallway to DH's office, it's a 12ft by 6ft room) As soon as I find my camera (yep that's right it's lost in the room) I will take a picture of it and post it up here. The great part about this challenge isn't just that you get to join in a group and report back as to how good you did, it's not just that you get to see just how bad other people's rooms are (okay maybe it's just me that likes that part lol) but Org Junkie will also be rewarding prize's to those with the best before and after pics, ya know if this was just on the before pic I think I could win!! Good luck to all the ladies joining up in the challenge I wish you all luck.

730/365 Challenge

The Challenge: Get 2 items a day out of your house (2 x 365=730) this is an average you can work on once a day week or month whatever works for you the purpose of this challenge is to get some of the extra junk out of your house!!

So here is my January update
6 kids plates (not BPA free so they are out!)
4 picture frames
9 clothing
1 bath mat (we took it out of the tub well over a year ago)

So I've only tossed 20 items but being that this is an average i know I can make up for the 11 items I am missing later, more so I am going to challenge myself to get 100 items out of my house this month!!! BTW when I say toss this could be actually int he garbage, to a friend/relative, or to local thrift store. Check out for more about the 730/365 challenge.

Monday, February 1, 2010

New ATM Cards means FREE REDBOX!!!

I am so very excited since DH and I just switched over to a new bank, which means we just got new visa/debit cards. Now we will get to start all over again with all the Redbox codes that are available, because Redbox doesn't track the person it tracks the cards so you can use these free codes on each card. Check out Spectacular Savings she has all the codes listed.

Menu Plan Monday

Here is my menu plan for the week Saturday I am hoping to get some extra meals made on Saturday so I don't have to cook every night or eat store bought freezer food so much.

Monday: Taco's
Tuesday: Chicken Potpie
Wednesday: Soup
Thursday: Spaghetti
Friday: Tyson Anytizer's with fries
Saturday: Chicken and Rice Casserole (make a couple so I can freeze some for later)
Sunday: Not sure either eat out or something in the crockpot.

For Hundred's of great menu plan's head over to for her weekly roundup of menu plans.